The goal of this movement is for each person to do their part in making the world better. So between 9/11 and Dec 7:
- Act: Complete 7 actions or thoughts of compassion, kindness, or forgiveness, especially toward someone to whom you find it difficult to be kind.
- Share: Very Important part. If you are in Lincoln, pick up and drop off Kindness Cards from any Lincoln City Library or Lincoln Hy-Vee Grocery store or First Plymouth Church, 20th & D Street—Or you can print your own. (Acrobat reader required)
- Write about your experience: not necessarily what was done, rather especially how it affected you or the other person.
Feel free to come back to this same web site click on the tab labeled Personal Experiences Blog and (you can get access or help with the internet, at any public library) Carry the benefits in your heart till the next 7 Acts of Kindness Season.