It was a really powerful experience to share the story with them

This is a bit late, but Cameron Effect Day was so wonderful this year, I just had to share.

I am living in a new city now, and nobody I live with knows who Cameron is. So, throughout the day when I would do something nice or out of the ordinary (even if it was just dishes) I would say, “Hey go look up the Cameron Effect online.” Everyone I talked to said they would.

Here’s where the really amazing part happened….I am living with a community of five people and we have spirituality nights each week. I was leading it and focused it all around Cameron Effect Day- what it was about, who he was, and how all of the people in the room had likely done something nice for someone that day without realizing it. Also, we were able to notice all the great things other people had gone out of their way to do for us. It was a really powerful experience to share the story with them.

They send their love and prayers to the family of Cameron and we want to bless you for all the ways in which you kept our hearts joyful that day, even on a day that could be filled with sadness and pain. You all inspire me.
-Amy (Classmate of Cameron from NWU)

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