A week of kindness

Well lets see.. over the past week or so i have been chauffeur for my boss off the clock without pay because she can’t drive her car, driving her home from work every night. I even went to the grocery store with her so she could pick up groceries for the house on Thursday. I filled up my roommates tank Saturday night so he could do his job because he was broke til pay day, he’s a pizza delivery driver. I helped a random stranger jump his trunk at the gas station on a freezing cold night at about 10:30 at night on Friday. I helped a girl get her car that was parked next to mine unstuck from her parking stall on Wednesday. I went over to mom’s house after the big snow and helped her scoop her driveway…twice! Did the dishes for the whole house that were piled up even though most of them weren’t mine, and vacuumed the whole house at that on Sunday. And donated all the change I could find in my cup-holder and pocket to the bell ringer outside of SuperSaver Sunday night also. (approx. $3.78) The cold weather makes it easy to do nice things! -Andy Robb


Wow, lots of hard work helping other – very commendable and often harder to do than simply giving money. Amazing that the cold weather brings out kindness for you – that is not common. Feel the glow of your good works, Andy! -Shelley
Monday, December 12, 2011, 21:44:07


One Comment

  1. sfreeman

    Wow, lots of hard work helping other – very commendable and often harder to do than simply giving money. Amazing that the cold weather brings out kindness for you – that is not common. Feel the glow of your good works, Andy!


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